Ausblick auf Claim the Waves 2021


Iva Sultanija & Louis were broadcasting live at the studio about the upcoming Claim The Waves – Feministische Radiotage 2021.
We browse through the programm and talk about what, when and how CTW was and will be awsome!

Gäst*innen waren per telefon Tania, Radiomacherin bei Globale Dialoge und Besucherin des ersten CTW-Festivals 2018 in Zürich und Amrei live zu Gast im Studio. Amrei hat sowohl 2020 als auch heuer, 2021, das Festival mitorganisiert.

We talk about all 3 festivals that happend up till now. 2018, 2020 & 2021.

Start of the on air program will be 9.7.2021 0:00.
Workshops have already started and will continue until 10th of july 2021.


Nura – Radio Enesi M. – Corriendo Dacid Go8lin – Bitches & Witches Esrap – OTK Oluchukwu Akusinanwa – Senza Misura

Radio Grille

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Iva Sultanija, Louis Hofbauer
Sprache: Deutsch