Personal best queer 22‘


Iva Sultanija, Leo & Louis present their favorite series, music, film, books and tell you their personal stories about their choices.

Persönliche Highlights des Jahres 2022


EsRAP – Warum BEGINNERS Night Panda – Guess Who’s Back Meghan Trainor – Made You Look Mindj Panther – Bibi Sara Kali Joy Bogart – Hope You’re Good (EP: Joy Bogart It’s different now) Sizzy Rocket – Besties Lizzo – About Damn Time Cousins Like Shit – Over Night Mon Lafuerte, Juenes – Amárrame

Our BEST-OFs /unsere Favoriten:

Willow (Disney +)
TV Series
It has been nearly 17 years since Queen Bavmorda was defeated. An unlikely group of six heroes sets off on a dangerous quest to places far beyond their home where they must face their inner demons and come together to save their world from the Gales.

Glow Up (Netflix)
TV Show Series
A talented group of aspiring make-up artists attempt to prove their potential to industry professionals in this competition hosted first by Stacey Dooley then by Maya Jama.
Soundtrack ‚Glow Up‘

Bibi Sara Kali
von Ibrahim Amir & Simonida Selimovic
WERK X-Petersplatz, Di 31. Januar 2023, 19.30 Uhr
02.02.2023, 19:30 Uhr
03.02.2023, 19:30 Uhr
04.02.2023, 18:30 Uhr – im Anschluss Expert* Talk
08.02.2023, 19:30 Uhr
09.02.2023, 19:30 Uhr

Mon Chéri und unsere demolierten Seelen
Verena Roßbacher
Österreichischer Buchpreis 2022
Man kann sich die Menschen, mit denen man verwandt ist, nicht aussuchen – seine Familie aber schon.

Below Her Mouth
A lesbian movie, an unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever.

The Most Beautiful Flower
La flor más bella
Comedy, TV Series
Curvy, curly, confident Mich knows she’s fabulous. Now she just has to convince everyone else at her Xochimilco high school to believe it too.



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Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Iva Sultanija, Leo Söldner, Louis Hofbauer
Sprache: Deutsch