About „The Family“ with Rok Biček


“Life is the best screenwriter,” stated Rok Biček in our interview about his latest documentary film The Family. He has accompanied Matej Rajk and his dysfunctional family for over 10 years for this very intimate documentary without any script. The filming started when Matej, one of the protagonists, was only 14 year old.

We interviewed the director Rok Biček for the time of his staying at the Crossing Europe Film Festival 2018, where his film competed in the section Competition Documentary. Biček is a prominent young filmmaker from Slovenia, and his work The Family is highly acclaimed, not only in Slovenia but also internationally.

Kino für die Ohren 2018


Kino für die Ohren – Crossing Europe 2018

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Film Radiomacher_in:Jerneja Zavec
Sprache: Englisch