Behind the scenes ep. 01 with British conductor Leo McFall


British conductor Leo McFall talks about leadership, time management, musical energy, on challenges on and off stage and the life of a conductor in general.

00:00 jingle fo BTS by Matej Sloboda
00:27 intro
01:57 Eugen Cicero. Slawischer Tanz. (A. Dvořák)
04:58 Leo McFall – background and professional path
10:20 A. Dvořák. Symphony nr.9/3mvmt. conductor: Ivan Fischer
17:36 Leo McFall – how to prepare a musical piece, studying process
20:41 E. Elgar. Enigma variations. Theme and 1st variation
24:05 Leo McFall – how to progress, musical energy, rehearsal and concert: challenges and difference of working energy, time management, choice of repertory
29:30 M.Krajči. Tíšiny vzkriesenia. violin: Milan Paľa
36:10 Leo McFall – relation to contemporary art, its features, qualities
41:05 A. Berg. Lulu´s song. voice: A. Prohaska
43:35 Leo McFall – differences and challenges of conducting opera and symphonic, relax and recharge, life and time organization of freelancing conductor
53:08 Stroon. You promised the Swelter would Yield.

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Behind the scenes

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Dominika Doniga
Sprache: Englisch