Browsing around the clove: Episode IX “Cinnamon”


After a failed incursion in Cape Verde to try to get some food, and after a thousand fatigues and after countless problems and deaths, they finally make it, they complete the first circumnavigation of the worldElcano and the survivors are received by the Emperor himself. The people of San Lucar have never seen so skinny persons before in their lives. That’s how Stefan Zweig narrates their return:

Erschüttert starren die Bürger, wie die achtzehn Männer die »Victoria« verlassen, wie sie, wandernde, wankende Skelette, einer nach dem andern schwanken Schritts das Land betreten, wie schwach, wie ausgemergelt, wie müde, wie krank, wie erschöpft sie vorwärtstaumeln, diese namenlosen Helden, jeder gealtert um ein Jahrzehnt in jenen drei unendlichen Jahren.

Maximilianus Transylvanus interviewed all the survivors. From those experiences he wrote the book “De Moluccis insulis”.

Browsing around the clove a show produced by David Córdoba Bou


Browsing around the clove – 500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the Earth

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:David Cordoba Bou
Sprache: Deutsch