Denice Bourbon: PCCC* Queer Comedy and writing


In this episode of FEM*POEM Romina Achatz is in conversation with Denice Bourbon-about her latest book- publication, the PCCC* Politically Correct Comedy Club and her activism.

Denice Bourbon is a writer, queer- feminist activist, singer, burlesque artist, entertainer, performer and DJ living in Vienna.

Together with Josef Jöchl she founded the PCCC* Politically Correct Comedy Club – Vienna’s first queer comedy club in 2017.

Jingle- Voice by multi- media artist Raphaela Salhofer


Fem Poem

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Frauenpolitik Radiomacher_in:Romina Achatz
Sprache: Englisch