Domestic Violence – Petra Leschanz from Frauenservice


Favour Moriba will talk to Petra Leschanz from Frauenservice Graz – Infocafé palaver: „Domestic Violence“ – legal aspects, where to get help, how to overcome fear, fight injustice and liberate yourself.

If you suffer from violence get anonymous help: You might call one of the hotlines. You are not alone!

AÖF – Verein Autonome Österreichische Frauenhäuser

16 Tage gegen Gewalt an Frauen und Mädchen

Frauenhelpline gegen Gewalt

Call for Action:









What’s the matter

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Frauenpolitik Radiomacher_in:Favour Moriba
Sprache: Englisch