Hidden by the Grapes – Herz geht auf


It is Radio Helsinki’s turn again to select & highlight a song from Austria’s subculture scene:
Give it up for Hidden by the Grapes and their latest banger Herz geht auf!

The band Hidden by the Grapes, originally rooted in Post-Rock/Punk or „Austronoise“, as they like to call it, now embraces dialect lycrics – still accompanied by heavy guitar sounds, ensuring that underground rock fans will continue to be thrilles. The video that accompanies the song has become quite myseterious, featuring AI-generated elderly gentlemen in the mountains.

Single on Bandcamp: https://hiddenbythegrapes.bandcamp.com/track/herz-geht-auf-2
Album on Bandcamp (Release date: 15.9.2023):https://hiddenbythegrapes.bandcamp.com/album/opus-2023

Musicvideo „Herz geht auf“: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7NNI1hJAMU

Website: https://www.hiddenbythegrapes.com
IG: https://www.instagram.com/hiddenbythegrapes/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/hiddenbythegrapes

Picture: Videostill from Herz geht auf


IndieRE Featured Song

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Lilly Jagl
Sprache: Englisch

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