Innuendo 3


In this 3rd edition of Innuendo we accompany artist Don Ferguson in his multiple, equally fascinating, endeavours, from the plains of South Dakota, through the tumultuous 60’s in California, all the way to the Austrian Alps. Watching television as a kid and learning about Rosa Parks and her courageous refusal to sit in the back of a bus, Don Ferguson’s thirst for social justice was fueled also by the unfolding civil rights movement in the high-school as well as University years. „Unvoluntarily“ born in Sioux Falls, as he puts it, Don has found a home in Austria, where he is still doing his part in assuring a better, more tolerant tomorrow. One of his projects, „Art for People in Need“, is a social-cultural community of Austrian visual and performing artists whose works yearly raise money for  local, national and international help organisations.



Zur Sendereihe Station

CR 94.4 – Campus & City Radio St. Pölten

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Gabriele Ebmer/ Irina Hablecker
Sprache: Englisch