Innuendo 4_2015: Boys don’t cry/Girls don’t swear


The tuesday after International Woman’s Day Innuendo took on the touchy subject of gender, with an obvious focus on what „people“ think a girl is/should be. We take notice to what Ellen Page and Sally Field have to say on the subject, we think about all the wonderfully boyish girls and women that have impressed us somehow throughout the years, and we ask ourselves if there really is an inborn difference between boys and girls. We end up back in our mothers‘ arms, The women-role-models, at least according to J. K. Simmons and his cry: „Call your mom!“



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CR 94.4 – Campus & City Radio St. Pölten

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Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Irina Hablecker
Sprache: Englisch