2. Lonely Driving and a Country Road


You know that feeling when you’re driving, all by your lonesome, on some dusty country road and it’s a deep night, as there’s no street lamps around? I’ve never driven, but I can feel some of that when I listen to these tracks. It’s not a sad loneliness, quite the opposite, it feels somehow invigorating, if only out of cynicism.

As would be expected, there’s some country tunes in there, as well as blues, folk and good-old rock’n’roll. For a little kick, I also threw in some electropop and some film music, a little electro-rock and even a song written by a friend. Being one of those believers in „the trip is as special as the destination“, I’m hoping to start an (inner-) discussion on the difference between being „alone“ and being „lonely“. ‚Cause being alone kinda rocks, sometimes.


Irina’s Special Mixtape

Zur Sendereihe Station

CR 94.4 – Campus & City Radio St. Pölten

Zur Station
Thema:Musik allgemein Radiomacher_in:Irina Lucia Hablecker
Sprache: Englisch

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