Medicine, Artificial pancreas for diabetics, Calcium and Vitamin D supplements do not prevent bone fractures


The first medical news today:

The artificial pancreas could soon be a reality. Actually, it is not an artificial pancreas. It is closed-loop insulin delivery. To name closed-loop insulin delivery an „artificial pancreas” is an overstatement, because manual meal boluses of insulin still are required. And these devices are quite costly. These devices are not ready yet for widespread use, but the evidence that was published in 2018 suggests that this technology soon could improve control of diabetes and simplify the life of millions of people living with diabetes.
The second medical news today:

In a meta-analysis of 33 randomised controlled clinical studies involving more than 51 thousand participants, the use of supplements that included calcium, vitamin D, or both, compared with placebo, or no treatment, did not lead to a lower risk of bone fractures among elderly people living in their communities. Therefore, if you are elderly: Just taking supplements of calcium, vitamin D, or both, will not protect you from bone fractures. More is required. Please talk to your doctor. Consume with your food adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D and expose yourself sufficiently to sunlight. Ask how to achieve both. Exercise several times a week. Ask your doctor about a bone mineral density test. Ask about medications to slow bone loss and reduce fracture risk.


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Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Dara Koper, Harvard University, Massachusetts Medical Society
Sprache: Englisch