Medicine: Sepsis treatment; Keeping patients out of hospital


1) Sepsis can be a serious complication of an infection. In sepsis treatment, three large clinical studies could not confirm a treatment strategy called EGDT. However, these three large clinical studies confirm the importance of rapid antibiotic administration and initial fluid boluses in patients with septic shock.

2) Keeping patients out of hospital and preventing readmissions: This is a topic that is important to the patients, and to society as a whole. Many clinical studies were done. Some strategies that sound very good did not work at all. Other strategies worked, at least somewhat. But in summary, medical professionals still do not know the best way to keep patients out of hospital and to prevent hospital readmissions.

(Selected by a very prestigious medical society. Complete text of the radio broadcast enclosed here in the archive).


News from the World of Medicine

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Sprache: Englisch