Poetry Cafe 124: New Zealand (2)


Playlist: texts read and music played

1. Keri Hulme: The Bone People (1984)
2. Patricia Grace: Potiki (1996)
3. Rangitikei River Song
4. C.C. Bowen: Moonlight in New Zealand
5. Samuel Butler: Erewhon (1872)
6. Keith Sinclair: The Origins of the Maori Wars
7. James Brown: University Open Day (2006)
8. God Defend New Zealand (national anthem)
9. Film music: ‚The Piano‘ – To the Edge of the Earth
10. Alistair Ariki Campbell: Tidal
11. English sub-titles for a Maori chant (end of film ‚The Piano‘)
12. Thomas Hood: There is a silence…
13. Denis Glover: Threnody
14. Hairini Melbourne: Toroa – The Return
15. Janet Frame: from An Angel at My Table (autobiography)
16. S.T. Coleridge: from The Ancient Mariner
17. Baudelaire: L’Albatros
18. Janet Frame: To the Is-Land
19. Art of Now in Christchurch
20. Karl Popper: on Black Swans
21. D’Arcy Cresswell: Farewell Cathedral City
22. Gordon William McLauchlan (obituary in The Herald)
23. Tony Simpson: evaluating Kiwis
24. Ronald Mason: Song of Allegiance
25. Film music: ‚The Piano‘ – Dreams of a Journey


Poetry Cafe

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Literatur Radiomacher_in:Andrew Milne-Skinner, Sandra Milne-Skinner
Sprache: Englisch

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