Poetry Cafe 29: Inter-War Poetry: Poems of the 1920s & 1930s


Poems read and Music played:-

1. Jodelling Song, from Facade, by Edith Sitwell
2. Im Tal und auf der Höhe, by the Mayrhofner Trio
3. Song of a Man Who is not Loved, by D.H. Lawrence
4. Syrinx, for solo flute, by Claude Debussy
5. Snake, by D.H. Lawrence
6. Gnossienne no. 1 for piano, by Erik Satie
7. Last Lesson of the Afternoon, by D.H. Lawrence
8. An Elementary School Class Room in a Slum, by Stephen Spender
9. Night Mail, by W.H. Auden
10. Musee des Beaux Arts, by W.H. Auden
11. Suite for Violin & Piano, Lento Tranquillo, by Benjamin Britten
12. Lullaby, by W.H. Auden
13. As I Walked Out One Evening, by W.H. Auden
14. Funeral Blues, by W.H. Auden
15. Tell me the truth about love, from Four Cabaret Songs, by W.H. Auden


Poetry Cafe

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Andrew Milne-Skinner, Sandra Milne-Skinner
Sprache: Englisch