11. Polo&Pan – Home Sweet Home


I heard Polo & Pan for the first time about three times or so; each time I had forgotten that I heard the band before, as it was so different and so new that I couldn’t associate it with something from before. I only started paying attention when they came out with this „Home Sweet Home“ mixtape, released in mid-lockdown, I mean May, it made it less scary and even less inopportune: „people are still making sounds, music even“, thought confirmed by the flood of new art coming out of confined spaces.

Needles to say, this is a previously-made mixtape, so all songs are remixes by Polo & Pan, my only „contribution“ is being able to share it and hoping it has a grounding/stabilizing effect on someone else too.



Irina’s Special Mixtape

Zur Sendereihe Station

CR 94.4 – Campus & City Radio St. Pölten

Zur Station
Thema:Musik allgemein Radiomacher_in:Irina Lucia Hablecker
Sprache: Englisch