Senegambia Music presentation. Part 1 of 3


Julia Bruch (Radio Afrika TV) and Mischa G. Hendel (Sweetspot) present musics and arts they discovered during their trip through Senegal and Gambia. With musical takeaways from Bocs Amandla, Carlou D, Aljo & Banoz_Z, Jahgwan, Mo Rasta, Pat Ghetto (Senegal) and Misty Joe, Silky Criss, Jaliba Kuyateh, Manding Morry (Gambia) and many more. It seems that the Senegambia region is a new hotspot for Afro-, World- and Reggae-artists and music producers. Interviews feature Neyan N’Diaye (Deff Art, Dakar), Alfred Joseph Boissy (Aljo & Banor_Z) and more. We talk about influences of traditional music for modern music styles. We also deal with the Senegalese literature and cinema of Ousmane Sembène and Djibril Diop Mambéty. Starting with Part 1 tonight. Part 2 will follow on April 16th, part 3 on 21st of May.

Languages: French and English

Carlou D (Senegal) is playing a concert in the Sargfabrik Wien on April 10th. Tickets:

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Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Musik allgemein Radiomacher_in:Julia Bruch, Mischa G. Hendel
Sprache: Deutsch

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