Single moms‘ mental health


qaybtaan waxay ku saabsan tahay bad qabka maskaxeed ee hooyooyinka kaliga ah ee carruurta ku korinaya wadankaan iyagoon haysan taageero dad kale.
waxaa ka qeybgalaya
Dr Suad Mohamed
Sita Omar
Jamal Matan.

This episode is about the mental health of single mothers who are raising children in this country without the support of other family members.
Ours guest are:
Hani Sufi,
Sita Omar,
Jamal Matan and Dr Suad Mohamed.


Ileys Podcast

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Hamdi Abdullahi
Sprache: Somali