Skim the city – In conversation  with Mexican artist Erik Tlaseca

07.06.2023 How many layers does the city have?

The Mexican artist asked these questions himself together with his students of Applied Arts and collectively they crossed Vienna from the center to the periphery on foot to present the results of the city cross-reading within the framework of the research workshop, the so called „WUK Versuchsanstalt“.

What makes the young Mexican all-round artist traverse megacities in such a way? WUK radio editor Helga Neumayer asked him these and some other questions.

  Music: The song „Tenochtitlan“ was interpreted by the Mexican group „Seguridad Social“ and the poem „Caminante“ by Antonio Machado was interpreted by the group „Cantares“. One verse of the battle song of the workers movement „Arbeiter von Wien“ is interpreted by the Viennese choir „Hor 29th of Novembar“.


WUK Radio

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Helga Neumayer
Sprache: Englisch