Talking about integration – part 2


Kani waa qeybtii seddexaad ee barnaamijka Ileys podcast, waana halqadii labaad ee is dhexgalka.
waxaa marti ku ah

Suleekha Cabduqaadir,

Lafoole iyo


maalin walba oo sabti ah 6 maqribnimo ayaad ka dhageysan kartaa radio Orange 94.0

This is the third episode of the Ileys podcast, from second part of integration.
Our guests today are:

Sulekha Abduqadir,

Lafoole iyo


Our guests shared with us how they see it and the best way to integrate and the benefits, how challenging it is to make good interaction.


Ileys Podcast

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Hamdi Abdullahi
Sprache: Somali