The Fundemental Principals of Modern Yoga


In this podcast I invite you to reflect on the question “Are you fulfilled, aware and attentive to your own personal values?” based on THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPALS OF MODERN YOGA.


Become accountable for your own joy Respect yourself Respect others Approach life with a sense of play Maintain a positive attitude Be a part of something bigger then yourself Understand humility Honour your body Let go of the little things Develop compassion Live in the present


Following the input you will be invited to join and enjoy a guided meditation on BEING IN THE MOMENT.

Literature used: Modern Yoga – the Definitive Guide To Transforming Your Mind, Body And Spirit by DUNCAN PEAK


KARIN SCHMID body-breath-mind

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesundheit Radiomacher_in:Karin Schmid
Sprache: Englisch

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