VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 04 AUG 2023 | Sutra 3.20 | Samskaras


yoga is not to be performed it is to be lived. YOGA doesn’t care about what you have been, it cares abou the person you are becoming.

The last sutra (3.19) described how the yogi can become aware of another person’s mind, by the method of focusing on the effect (or imprint) of that other person’s thought on the yogi’s own mind. in sutra 3.20, it is being acknowledged that the observing yogi does not have access to the deeper source from which that thought process arose.  

As knowing another’s mind does not allow us to know their heart.  AS The heart rests on that which has no object. 

And all about SAMSKARAS in today’s episode. 


VENUSfrequency a pop|culture way of the YOGA, MEDITATION, HOLISTIC BODY WISDOM and SOUL ARTistry lifestyle in support of a more mindful, co-creating, accepting, healing and loving world.

broadcast frequencies and supporting energy waves that vibrate bright, lucid and clear, that nourish the powerful feminine aspects of all things creation.

Bringing forth the feminine heart beat, and with that not meaning gender, but the feminine PRINCIPLE that is living—or suppressed—in both men and women.”

BECAUSE, the power to either destroy, divide & suppress or to heal, UNITE, awaken, co-create & nourish, lie in our own hearts, vision & responsibility.

WE ARE YOGA and & May we continue to journey together, becoming together  and recognizing our own unique inner voices of truth! 


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Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: Englisch