VENUSfrequency YOGA edition 07 JUL 2023 | Sutra 3.17 | Uddiyana Bandha


3.17 Word, meaning and perception tend to get lumped together, each confused with the others; focusing on the distinctions between them with perfect discipline yields insight into the language of all beings.

In other words: everything is a samskara (mental impressions, recollections, or psychological imprints)Every table, every facial gesture, every relationship, every breath. Everything that is, is born into conditions. The second superpower mentioned in Patanjali’s yoga Sutra’s is when we can see how things come into being via conditions.  

And Returning to our bandha study in this episode as well, remember, bandhasare gestures in which a segment of the body is sealed, isolated, or constricted in some manner. And One of the most powerful locks is uddiyana bandha—the upward flying lock or abdominal lift, in which you suck your abdominal wall in and up at the end of an exhalation, while restraining the breath. The abdominal organs are all swept up to a higher than normal position in the trunk by a partial vacuum in the chest cavity. 



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Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Annemarie Lombard Puntschart
Sprache: Englisch