VENUSfrequency yogic edition 2017 August 11


My friends, it is trough the establishment of the lovely clarity of mindfulness that you can let go of grasping after past and future, overcome attachment and grief, abandon all clinging and anxiety, and awaken an unshakable freedom of heart, here, now.


this is VENUSfrequency, the yogic edition.

grateful and so blessed to have you tuning in, we are part of each other’s community and community is to be cherished, nurtured and celebrated. This is my way of celebrating and honoring exactly that. As always #withlove


living and sharing

apop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & REIKIenergylifestyle,

… in support of a more mindful and healthier world

me, annemarie, your resident yogi, meditator, Reiki Energy worker and general all around the globe and universe seeker bringing you all things Buddhism today.

Tina Turner Chanting NA MYOHO RENGE KYO for us all this hour. And excerpts of Jack Kornfield’s THE WISE HEART and THICH NHAT HANH’s The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching accompanying us.



Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:annemarie p'art
Sprache: Englisch