VENUSfrequency yogic edition 2017 JULY 14


this shows topics

are still influenced by my love for John Lust’s THE HERB BOOK, published in the early and oh so wild 70s and its sections “legend and lore”, I have picked out summer themed

· Daisy and pasley for us today

· There will be excerpts from Deepak Chopra’s Book “Quantum Healing” from the late and neon colored 80s, published just a few years after neuroTransmitters were discovered which opened an amazing new world of everything mind body intelligence concerned… the book that currently rocks my world.

· Continuing with the chakra series has us arrive and check into our HEART chakra, ANAHATA, from cydidale’s the subtle body practice Manual, a comprehensive guide to Energy Healing

· And closing it out today with a focus on what’s closing out most Yoga classes, beloved and longed for Sivasana, with experts from BKS Iyengars LIGHT ON YOGA


living and sharing

a pop|culture way of the YOGA, Meditation & REIKIenergy lifestyle,

… in support of a more mindful and healthier world




Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:annemarie p'art
Sprache: Englisch

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