Word No Tabacco Day Special 07.06.2016


George and Lettice, from Jugend:info NÖ, present a one-off feature about World No Tobacco Day. In addition to telling you what the day is, they will also tell you how St. Pölten celebrated, the advantages of quitting tobacco, and tips on how to quit tobacco.

This year in St. Pölten World No Tobacco Day was organised by the Fachstelle für Suchtprävention NÖ, Rauchfrei Telefon der NÖGKK and Jugend:info NÖ. The event ran from 9am to 3pm at Riemerplatz on Tuesday 31st May.

Tune in at 5pm on Tuesday 7th June to hear George and Lettice share interviews from the event, information on tobacco issues, and a tobacco-inspired playlist.


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Zur Sendereihe Station

CR 94.4 – Campus & City Radio St. Pölten

Zur Station
Thema:Gesundheit Radiomacher_in:Lettice Wigby
Sprache: Deutsch