unsafe+sounds 2023

ORANGE 94.0 bringt das Diskursprogramm des Unsafe+Sounds Festivals on air. Unsafe+Sounds wants to investigate the interrelatedness of the fundamental changes in our environment and current aesthetics,... mehr anzeigen

ORANGE 94.0 bringt das Diskursprogramm des Unsafe+Sounds Festivals on air.

Unsafe+Sounds wants to investigate the interrelatedness of the fundamental changes in our environment and current aesthetics, and look for apt noises to our contemporary existence. We believe these to be found in transgressive, neurodivergent, psychoacoustic and obscure approaches, in the poetics of catharsis and in physical and emotional affection. We gather artists from the musical frontiers to confront us with the now we’re living in, to look together for the healing qualities of community and for a medication in this pathological time.


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Orange 94.0