Nudging in Alpine tourism | Episode #3 of the speciAlps Podcast series


How can visitors to sensitive natural areas in the Alps be encouraged to behave responsibly without either prohibitions or financial incentives? The role of behavioural psychology in this field was discussed by some 150 participants in the webinar entitled “Nudging in Alpine Tourism”, held in September 2023.

The webinar “Nudging in Alpine Tourism” is part of the project speciAlps Podcast “Besucher:innen lenken, Natur bewahren” and at the same time the topic of the third podcast episode. This can be listened to in either German or English.

This project is being implemented by CIPRA International and the Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities. It is made possible by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety & Consumer Protection (BMUV).

Further information on the project:


Hörbare Alpen: Der CIPRA Podcast

Zur Sendereihe Station

Proton – das freie Radio

Zur Station
Thema:Ökologie / Umwelt / Natur Radiomacher_in:Michael Gams
Sprache: Englisch